Symposium, ex-tempore on wood and stone, clay, earthenware, installation. Land-art, painting to oil, drawing, charcoal, watercolor. Milan - Barcelona

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Work realized during work-in-progress near the Park of the Paleotto, Bologna, for the artistic event “the Garden of Lilith”.
The work is realized with branches interlaced and bamboo found on the place of realization. The base of the hut is a star to five tips, that is oriented to east.
It is approached inside of the hut, through a passage gained between two tips on the west, high 60 cm so that in order to enter the visitor it must to fold itself. The branches that cover the structure of bamboo are interlaced in such way to represent the interlacing of the blood veins of the living bodies.
Inside of the hut ideally contained and it is concentrated the atmosphere and the natural energy of the place, to make sacred it.
The work has gone destroyed does not give the time, but from a without-roof had used that it like house for a period  till it has pulled down when it with a bee-car.






HARMONIC HUT (photo) >>>